I am very positive about the future, about my future. I have no idea what will happen, but for the first time in a long time I feel like I actually have a future - I don't have this massive secret weighing me down, I don't spend all of my energy thinking about the trial. I can actually put all of my energy in to fixing myself.
And that feels good. So good.
However, it's going to be a long, long road. Because the guilty verdict doesn't mean that I'll stop having flashbacks. It doesn't mean that I'll stop hearing his voice in my head. A guilty verdict doesn't undo what he did. What a guilty verdict does mean is that I can finally stop being scared of him - he can never hurt me again. A guilty verdict means that I can rebuild my life, and myself. It means that I can finally start to heal.
But it is difficult. Because people think 'why are you still depressed? Why are you still suffering from PTSD? Why are you still having nightmares? He's behind bars, move on'. They don't understand when I tell them that I'm still living with the consequences of his actions. He is going to serve his time - justice has been won. But I'm still living with the trauma.
It devastated me. I don't often talk about it in detail, because I know how upsetting it is for my parents. I know they read my blog, and I know that at times reading my blog is extremely painful for them. But I need to tell the truth.
Childhood sexual abuse is devastating. I was exposed to things I should never have been exposed to - not until I was sexually mature. I wasn't, I was 12. That is a long way from being sexually mature. My view on sex was completely warped. He taught me that love equals sex. He taught me that friendship equals sex. He taught me that my self-worth is intertwined with sex. He taught me that in order to be valued, I need to give some sort of sexual favour. Without sex, I was nothing.
He taught me that it doesn't matter whether or not I want to have sex - he would just take it anyway. He made me rely on him completely. He made me hate myself.
So I have a long, long way to go. I am unlearning all of this filth that he taught me. I am rebuilding myself. I am learning to recognise healthy and non-healthy relationships. I know that I am worth a hell of a lot better than the way I have been treated in the best.
In the past 13 years I have been looking to be loved, but I have been looking in all the wrong places. I have clung on to anyone that showed me any sort of interest. I have let myself be treated like dirt, because I thought that that was how you treated someone you love. I thought that that was what love is. I have done many, many things that I regret. All because I was taught that the only way to be friends or to get someone to love me was by giving away my body. So of course I attracted the wrong kind of people.
No more. I am worth more than that. I deserve better than that. I deserve better than what I have been seeking.
I'm making a lot of steps towards a healthier, happier life. But I still have a long way to go. Tonight I am suffering from insomnia. Tonight I had a flashback. Tonight I head his voice. But tonight I also realised that I wasn't scared. That I am a survivor, and that life is going to get better. Tonight I realised that I'm a lot stronger than I ever thought possible, and that I am worthy of happiness and love, and I sure as hell won't settle for anything else.
Darling, I feel sure that your parents want to look out for you; they don't want you to feel you have to look out for them. XXXX